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Congratulations! Your new LIMS software is up and running. You kept the scope in check, aligned your team's expectations, integrated your laboratory instruments and ensured your staff received the customized...

You're implementing Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), and it seems to be progressing smoothly. Then suddenly, the process is veering off track. What do you do? In this post, we'll...

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed what PSOs are and the significant benefits these expert teams can provide when getting any LIMS system up and running. Part 2...

Imagine that you're building a custom house. If you work in the residential construction business, you might understand what's involved. However, you're unlikely to have deep knowledge of every skill...

One lesson we've learned over the last five years is that there's very little in the world that's more important than data. It permeates our daily lives. It drives what's...

Earlier this month, we published a post on The Lab of the Future, with 5 predictions envisioning the dominance of data, AI, connectivity & collaboration, instrumentation integration and more. A...

As a growing number of labs make digital transformation a priority, there's often a lot of talk about "using data to improve the organization." In fact, we're guilty of it!...

Digitization of your lab's data is increasingly vital to performance and profitability. Today, that data represents a business advantage. Tomorrow, it's likely to be mission-critical - or even existential. Digital...
