Danone is a leader in global food and beverage, including dairy, plant-based products, water, and specialized nutrition products. Its product portfolio includes several leading international brands and is sold in...
Ceva Biovac, a leader in animal health innovation in France, focuses on combating infectious diseases in livestock by developing custom bacterial antigen vaccines as an alternative to antibiotics. The company...
A LIMS can significantly improve day-to-day lab operations by streamlining and automating many workflows. However, these benefits can sometimes be undercut by early choices, such as building your own LIMS....
(or Why You Need a LIMS Requirements Scorecard) Most lab managers and scientists understand why they would want a LIMS. Less obvious to all is how they should go about...
Investing in a new Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) - or even your lab's first LIMS - is a big step. The team who runs the day-to-day business of the...
"We reduced the number of expired chemicals in our labs from 4,000 to 45. We also started saving $2 million a year." What is the cost of wasted chemicals, reagents,...
The first use of a laboratory information management system (LIMS) for forensic investigation is a significant milestone in the history of LIMS. Unfortunately, it came in the wake of a...
Contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) are complex organizations by their very nature. Their work requires precision processes, compliance with a host of regional and international regulations, robust supply chains, and much...