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Select, copy, change window, paste, change window. Select, copy, change window, paste, change window. Select, copy, change window, paste, change window. Wash, rinse, repeat… Select data from the HPLC software....

We live and die by our spreadsheets in the lab, don't we? They are a common and familiar tool in most labs. As labs transition away from lab notebooks and...

In this first installment of our molecular biology series, we'll discuss the importance of scientific and technological evolution in the R&D space. A new era of breakthrough science is reshaping...

Can you believe that Siri has been with us for over a decade? And what a difference a decade makes! What was, for many, a curiosity or source of fun...

Capturing and storing raw data is the first critical step in any research process. Paper is a Thing of the Past Technology for managing lab data has changed considerably -...

One of the biggest obstacles to paperless workflows facing today's labs when attempting to embrace digital transformation (DT) is that many of their processes operate in data silos. Lab analysts...

Communication is key to all scientific research. It's not something we spend a lot of time thinking about, but it's undeniable. Although researchers and scientists primarily work alone, their work...

Pay to the Order of… My daughter has never written a paper check. She's never even seen a paper check register. In the time since she started banking, everything has...
