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Overcome challenges & gain efficiencies with a single platform: Introducing LabVantage MAP (Morgue, Autopsy, Pathology) software Pathologists and medical examiners at hospitals and morgues must input, process, manage, and report...

In 2019, thousands of criminal cases in Orange County, California, became at risk of being overturned, not because of a lack of evidence, but because of how the evidence was...

Historically, LIMS were developed for traditional laboratories in industries such as biobanking, pharma, diagnostics, oil & gas, food & beverage, quality and manufacturing. These systems are sample-centric - meaning they...

The first use of a laboratory information management system (LIMS) for forensic investigation is a significant milestone in the history of LIMS. Unfortunately, it came in the wake of a...

Time is frequently of the essence in many forms of lab work, but it's especially critical to the investigative process. LabVantage Forensic Navigator helps investigators piece together and solve crimes...

On the surface, it might seem as if the needs of forensics labs are similar to those of other laboratories. For instance, just like other labs, they need to track...

