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Congratulations! Your new LIMS software is up and running. You kept the scope in check, aligned your team's expectations, integrated your laboratory instruments and ensured your staff received the customized...

Businesses use rankings and awards to announce their strengths and successes to potential clients and partners. The badges and icons are proudly displayed on their websites as an indicator of...

A professional service organization (PSO) can boost your laboratory's efficiency and transform how your organization approaches LIMS implementation projects. In our first post in a series on this topic, we'll...

In this first installment of our molecular biology series, we'll discuss the importance of scientific and technological evolution in the R&D space. A new era of breakthrough science is reshaping...

R&D organizations are responsible for the creation of new products, as well as refinements of existing ones. This process generates vast amounts of data, and much like the proverbial "needle...

The field of molecular diagnostics has traditionally turned to Laboratory Informatics Systems (LIS) to manage clinical processes. The growing complexity of the field, however, combined with the increasing focus on...