150 – Stability

The Stability module is an extension to the core LabVantage application. In this course you will learn how to create a long-term study beginning with a plan. You will learn how to execute and complete the plan. Scripted exercises demonstrate how to evaluate product performance when samples have been exposed to different environmental conditions. Inventory setup and maintenance is included.

Prerequisites and Target Audience

This half-day LabVantage Stability module training course is normally offered as an additional option to extend an onsite training event. This is not a stand-alone course. If an introduction to the general aspects of using LabVantage is required, other program offerings should be completed prior to this subject matter. Students should already be familiar with how studies are executed in their organization. Stability Coordinators and analysts alike will learn from this class.

  1. Static Data: Creation of data that presumably does not change during the stability study. This includes products, storage locations, packaging containers, environmental conditions, inventory tracking practices, and protocols.
  2. Studies: Configuring the options for protocol templates, protocols, and individual studies.
  3. Protocol: Setting up the protocol to include frequency of testing intervals and environmental storage parameters.
  4. Stability Work Orders: Executing the time points and managing inventory through completion of a work order.
  5. Navigators: Understanding how the navigators help track the progress of the study.
  6. Study Completion: After the time points and conditions have been completed, the study can be reviewed and completed.
  7. Study Suites: Grouping of stability studies under a common umbrella.
  8. Storage Unit Types: Configuration of LabVantage to reflect the physical layout of a freezer, humidity chamber, warehouse shelf or other structure.
  9. Advanced Study Management: Managing inventory and testing frequency based on the number and types of tests that need to be performed.
  10. Calendar Maintenance and Planning: Using the planning tools in LabVantage.

The Materials

You will receive a copy of the presentation materials in PDF format. Hands-on exercise time with assistance from the instructor is included.