101 – LabVantage Familiarization Training

This three-day course teaches you the basics of how to operate the LabVantage software using the LIMS site map. From logging a sample to managing a request and all process points in between, you will gain experience in using LabVantage to record and maintain your laboratory's vital data. As an end-user you will learn how to take advantage of the rich feature sets built into the solution allowing you to focus more on the science and less on the software. As an administrator, before you begin configuring or re-configuring your LabVantage application, you may want to understand how your end-users are going to
interact with the software and the terminology used within. Working examples are provided during hands-on instruction.

Target Audience

This is an introductory level course with no knowledge of LabVantage software required. This course is intended for those who will need to understand the process flow of data through the application including but not limited to samples being logged, test results being entered, data being reviewed, and reports being issued.

  1. Overview: What is LabVantage? How does it work? Connecting to the application. Universal interface features. Understanding security. Navigation techniques. Using the help system.
  2. Site Maps: What features are available to different user types? Where do I go to access these features? Who will be responsible for different types of administration? Using charts and graphs to prioritize work.
  3. Master Data: How does LabVantage promote consistent record-keeping? What terminology does LabVantage use to represent different types of laboratory data? Understanding how the software promotes efficiency and precision through data harmonization.
  4. Sample Life Cycle: How does LabVantage treat data as it flows from one process phase to the next? What is the status of a sample telling me? When does the data get locked to prevent further unauthorized changes? Utilizing various pages to record sample information, receive samples, enter test results, review for accuracy and approve data before releasing and disposing. Incoming samples can be stored in many different places. Banks of shelves, refrigerators, freezers, and incubators house many different samples. Assigning a location makes finding them a snap!
  5. Queries, Searches and Reporting: I know the data is in there, how to I retrieve it? Take advantage of the search bar, categories, folders, ad-hoc search, dashboards and system search to give you a picture of what is happening with your data. Just as important as putting data in, is getting data out. Learn how LabVantage incorporates various reports to show you your key performance indicators
  6. Batches: How do testing tasks get grouped and assigned to analysts?  When manufacturing a finished product, how is the data structured to support genealogy? Learn how samples are grouped, tests are grouped and manufacturing stages are grouped to facilitate multiple business and laboratory practices.
  7. Request Management: In what ways can I group samples together to keep track of them? Now that a group of samples is completed, what should happen next?
  8. Instruments and Analysts: Keeping track of who performed a test using which instrument is important when it comes to audits, investigations, and reporting. Gain experience in recording instrument calibrations and analyst training.
  9. Consumables: An important part of any laboratory test is keeping track of those substances that factor into the results obtained. This could include solutions that are purchased or mixed using raw materials to make standards for measuring samples of unknown concentration. Manage inventory of your stockroom supplies.
  10. Stability: Evaluate the performance of your products over time. Execute work orders to pull samples from inventory and keep track of stability study progress.

Typical daily agenda

Day OneDay TwoDay Three
OverviewQueries and SearchesInstruments and Analysts
Site MapsBatchesConsumables
Master DataRequest ManagementStability
Sample Life Cycle Review

The Materials

A digital copy of the training manual will include all slides used by the instructor and scripted hands-on exercises for you to perform.