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Choosing a LIMS is a complex process. It would be wonderful if it only demanded a simple inspection followed by an: "Oh, this one is sexy!" But it doesn't work...

2020 was the year digital transformation (DT) - the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business - shifted from a business catchphrase to an organizational necessity. Labs...

When Pathologists don't have all the information they need or have to spend time searching for a patient in their system, diagnosis can be delayed - impacting patient health. It's...

We interact with labs across many different sectors - the chemical industry, pharma and biopharmaceuticals, petrochemical refineries, the food & beverage industry, biobanking and many more. What's the one thing...

Communication is key to all scientific research. It's not something we spend a lot of time thinking about, but it's undeniable. Although researchers and scientists primarily work alone, their work...

You probably have some questions about how to identify and launch digital transformation in your organization. Crafting an effective Digital Transformation (DT) strategy requires four key elements: a team, a...

There's a lot of buzz about digital transformation (DT) happening in the business world, and like it or not DT is coming to your organization. For some, the transformation is...