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What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? Futurist Jason Morgan describes IoT as: "(c)onnecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet and/or to each other. This...

Should you choose a software platform or a combination of best-of-breed software programs? When it comes to outfitting your company's suite of software, cherry-picking the best programs from various vendors...

The emergence of LIMS and other informatics tools have irrevocably changed the way labs manage data. As LIMS' role has become more prominent, compliance and validation have grown increasingly complex....

What's a Biobank? Easy - a collection of data and samples. And what is a biobank's core function? Managing those samples and compiling that data (depending on the biorepository's focus,...

According to MarketsandMarkets Research, the global food safety testing market is projected to rise from USD $17 billion in 2018 to more than $24 billion by 2023 – a CAGR...

The entire purpose - or at least a primary purpose - of a LIMS is the ability to rely on it as a central repository for 'all things lab.' However,...

Biobanking: More - Much More - Data On at least one key trend, every prediction and prognostication about the future of biobanking arrives at a consensus. The sheer volume of...
