For some time now, the trend in informatics has been to move systems from customer-owned data centers to the cloud - and LIMS is no exception. Companies of all sizes...
Slated for incorporation into the LabVantage LIMS platform in the next release is a Scientific Data Management System (SDMS), developed with customer- and industry-input to solve real-world lab informatics challenges....
Biobanking: More - Much More - Data On at least one key trend, every prediction and prognostication about the future of biobanking arrives at a consensus. The sheer volume of...
You might have noticed the flurry of movement in April and May as companies finalized compliance with Europe's General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). LabVantage also ensured that the LabVantage LIMS...
Biobanks, registries and biorepositories have been with us for at least three decades, but as with most systems that rely on data, management has become more complex than ever. Not...