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Insights from two decades of applied use More than 20 years ago, LabVantage made a commitment to the life science market by creating a research initiative of our own. At...

Data integrity had already become a top priority for the clinical and life science (pharma, biopharma, med device) sectors before the outbreak of COVID-19. Data Integrity Guidelines New guidance had...

If you are wondering how labs in other business sectors managed the challenges of the global pandemic, here’s a quick rundown of what others have been facing, some of the...

One of the most important things we collectively need to harness and exploit in order to safely & effectively navigate through the pandemic is data. This is true of everyone...

By early May, the LIMS architect for an Ivy League health system's biobank and his team of ten felt like they'd been hit by a train. COVID-19 research had accelerated...

Molecular and clinical diagnostics labs are facing increasingly large sample & data volumes and more complicated challenges surrounding compliance. In addition, there is a critical need for greater system integration...

What's a Biobank? Easy - a collection of data and samples. And what is a biobank's core function? Managing those samples and compiling that data (depending on the biorepository's focus,...

Biobanking: More - Much More - Data On at least one key trend, every prediction and prognostication about the future of biobanking arrives at a consensus. The sheer volume of...