Communication is key to all scientific research. It's not something we spend a lot of time thinking about, but it's undeniable. Although researchers and scientists primarily work alone, their work...
Pay to the Order of… My daughter has never written a paper check. She's never even seen a paper check register. In the time since she started banking, everything has...
What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? Futurist Jason Morgan describes IoT as: "(c)onnecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet and/or to each other. This...
Slated for incorporation into the LabVantage LIMS platform in the next release is a Scientific Data Management System (SDMS), developed with customer- and industry-input to solve real-world lab informatics challenges....
Molecular and clinical diagnostics labs are facing increasingly large sample & data volumes and more complicated challenges surrounding compliance. In addition, there is a critical need for greater system integration...
"I'll take 'Something that has always been elusive in labs' for 600, Alex." "What is 'Comprehensive LIMS plate processing & transfer?'" Congratulations - you won 600 points. Wait - not...
At this year's 2018 CTEC conference in San Diego, LabVantage unveiled the Work Assignment & Planning (WAP) module. This session was one of the top 5 sessions at the conference,...
Biobanking: More - Much More - Data On at least one key trend, every prediction and prognostication about the future of biobanking arrives at a consensus. The sheer volume of...