Electronic Lab Notebook

Enhance your lab's performance with LabVantage ELN

Capture and share observations with integrated Electronic Laboratory Notebook

LabVantage understands that you perform a wide variety of experiments in your R&D. You also track many types of data, and a large volume and velocity of data. Data must be available for further research, product development, and manufacturing decisions. Documentation of your ideas and activities can be tedious - especially in paper-based labs.

In R&D labs where innovation requires flexibility, LabVantage ELN enables you to capture and share observations in a dynamic, configurable platform. Your notes - captured electronically - can be indexed, searched, and categorized for accurate record-keeping, quicker insights, and greater collaboration.

LabVantage ELN works within the LabVantage platform – fully integrated with our LIMS, Laboratory Execution System, and Scientific Data Management System (SDMS) – to  support digital transformation, up-leveling your organization’s output and efficiency. Count on LabVantage ELN to:

  • Increase efficiency through reusable/configurable, paperless workflows
  • Support cross-functional teams sharing data, eliminating silos, and facilitating collaboration
  • Configure security, permissions, data access, and audit trails that are consistent with your LIMS
  • Access data from anywhere, at any time, with mobile-enabled browser-based solutions that are fully HTML5-compliant
  • Eliminate client-side installation, validation, or maintenance

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Integrated ELN for Freedom to Innovate

An Electronic Laboratory Notebook, part of your LabVantage platform, frees researchers to explore deeply, record fully, search for, and share data - enriching their investigations. All experimental data is accurately captured in an electronic record.

Why LabVantage Electronic Lab Notebook

The ELN is a highly flexible tool, allowing you to capture structured and unstructured data, such as ideas or observations. The ELN can replace project binders and test result notebooks used for record-keeping in labs, providing more options, convenience, and security than paper-based tools. With the ELN you can attach digital photos and diagrams as well as cut and paste supporting information from your electronic files. The fields are searchable so you can quickly find the data or notations you are seeking, and you can easily share data and collaborate with colleagues, without passing around cumbersome binders that can be mishandled, lost, or damaged. When lab technicians document theories, experiments, and test results in the ELN, the organization maintains access to its intellectual property and continuity of work, even if researchers move on.

Key Attributes of LabVantage ELN

  • Collaborate, search, and share ELN and LIMS test and sample documentation, meta data, and procedural steps
  • Send test requests or samples to the lab and receive test results into the ELN workbook
  • Connect related experiments with two-way links to reduce errors
  • Add user-defined metadata (predefined or added on the fly) and include or reference content from other worksheets
  • Set separate security and permissions in ELN, including permissions for scientists and others not using LabVantage LIMS
  • Encourage creative thinking by allowing structured and unstructured data to be documented, permitting free-text entries and file attachments
  • Maintain a library of attachments or embedded images such as charts
  • To support visualizing theories or findings, chemical structures can be created, uploaded, and edited

Ready to see LabVantage ELN in action?

Planning a Digital Transformation?

Learn how an ELN, as part of one integrated lab platform, will help you modernize your labs.