CTEC EMEA 2024 Training Courses

This event has come to an end. We're excited to welcome you back in 2025!

Training classes will start on Wednesday, September 18th at 8:00 AM and end at 5:00 PM. To register for training, please select this option when you register for the conference. Breakfast, breaks, and lunch will be provided. Below are the training schedule and class descriptions. If you register for training, please also plan to bring a laptop computer with you. Our training classes do not require you to install any special software. The only requirements are Wi-Fi connectivity and a browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge Chromium, or Safari for Apple devices. You are welcome to attend these classes without bringing your own computer. However, to get the most out of these classes, we highly recommend this as most of these sessions include time for hands-on exercises.

Wednesday, September 18th

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM | Breakfast
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Introduction to the Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning, and Large Language Modeling capabilities of LabVantage Analytics

LabVantage Analytics (LVA) module offers state-of-the-art features for Business Intelligence (BI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). This course provides participants with hands-on experience in creating dynamic BI dashboards, charts, graphs, and reports, as well as designing AI data science workflows using LIMS data. By mastering these skills, participants will be equipped to build the "lab of tomorrow" that leverages the power of BI and AI. In addition, the course provides an overview of the latest features in LVA and showcases various LVA solutions that have been successfully deployed across multiple customers. Join us in this comprehensive training and take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of LVA.

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM | ELN & LES Introduction and LabVantage 8.9 Improvements

Learn what you can solve with LabVantage ELN & LES. This training gives an overview of the ELN (Electronic Laboratory Notebook) and LES (Laboratory Execution System) Worksheet functionalities that embed seamlessly with other LabVantage LIMS functionality. The course also covers many exciting features coming in LabVantage 8.9 for ELN & LES. The training will, among other topics, explain how to maximize the appearance and legibility of your Worksheet, both on the screen and in published format. We will also touch on other new features coming with 8.9. This training suits all who want to learn more about LabVantage ELN & LES: you can be a beginner or current user of these modules. If your organization has not yet acquired these add-on modules but is interested in extending the solution to these functionalities in the future, this training is a very good chance to get an introduction to the key features and benefits. In addition to learning the possibilities of ELN & LES, gain information that can be used to justify the investment in your organization!

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM LabVantage Express – Master data and sample management, reporting

Hands-on training on setting up master data for sample registration, result entry, approvals, and reporting. Learn how to create and use master data in LabVantage Express LIMS in an efficient way. In this training, we also look at different outputs, such as labels, worklists, and CoAs. This training suits all who want to learn more about the general usage of the LabVantage LIMS Express edition.
(To note: This training is primarily targeted for users of LabVantage Express edition.)

9:45 AM – 10:15 AM | Break

Snacks and refreshments will be provided during this intermission

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM | Lunch

A full lunch is provided for those who have registered for training.

Wednesday, September 18th - Three Afternoon Options

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Introduction to Semantic Search with LabVantage Biomax AILANI for Life Sciences

During the AILANI for Life Sciences training session, you will be introduced to the transformative capabilities of semantic search in life sciences. The training will guide attendees through the platform's interface, showcase the power of natural language processing, and demonstrate how AILANI's unique features, including its knowledge graph and AI-based question-answering capabilities, can unveil hidden relationships and streamline research processes. By the end, you will begin to appreciate AILANI's potential to enhance research outcomes and promote innovative discoveries in life sciences.

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | LabVantage Statistical Process Control SPC: More Than Just a Control Chart

Learn more about the possibilities of Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Control Charts within LabVantage! This training gives an overview of LabVantage SPC functionality with hands-on exercises. Improve, control and verify your processes and data quality through statistics (SPC, SQC & DQC). Learn how to provide timely, critical warnings of potential testing problems to lab personnel by using features included in the SPC component. The training covers use case examples for various needs: from manufacturing industry product control to analytical testing quality control.

1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | LabVantage Express – Overview of QC-functionalities, version handling

In this training, you learn about Quality Control features included in the LabVantage LIMS Express edition: QC samples, QC batches, trend charts, version handling, limit calculation based on previous data, etc. During this course, you will learn how to evaluate results supported by statistics and thus increase the reliability and quality of your laboratory analyses and/or manufacturing processes. This training suits all who want to dig deeper into utilizing QC functionalities included in the LabVantage LIMS Express edition.
(To note: This training is primarily targeted for users of LabVantage Express edition.)

2:45 PM – 3:15 PM | Break

Snacks and refreshments will be provided during this intermission